The Expert


Déploiement Azure Virtual Desktop en toute sécurité avec Terraform

29. Januar 2025

Aujourd’hui, nous allons parler d’Azure Virtual Desktop, d’encryption et de sécurité. Et, le plus important, nous verrons comment automatiser tout cela pour gagner du temps tout en respectant les bonnes pratiques de Microsoft. Voici le schéma d’architecture que nous allons …


Le déploiement de Copilot for Security

4. Dezember 2024

Avec la montée en popularité des différents Copilot, j'ai pensé qu'il serait intéressant de prendre un peu de temps pour parler de Copilot for Security. C'est un outil que je trouve incroyable et je me suis dit pourquoi ne pas …


How to detect anomalies with Machine Learning? (3/3)

12. Juli 2021

Wrote by Wassim B., Cybersecurity Expert SQUAD As illustrated in Figure 2, the proposed anomaly detector monitors VNFs (Section 1), preprocesses the monitored data (Section 2), trains models (Section 3), evaluates models’ performance and detects anomalies. 1) VNF Monitoring VNFs …


Background on time series modeling and forecasting (2/3)

7. Juli 2021

Time series modeling carefully collects and studies the past observations expressed as a time series for the purpose of developing an appropriate model which describes the inherent structure of the series. One of the most frequently used stochastic time series …


AWS S3M Pattern: 5 Steps to tie Serverless & Microservice …

6. Juli 2021

Wrote by Naoufal E., Cloud Expert Making serverless architectures tied to microservices architectures on the AWS Cloud is a fun job, and it allows us to learn new things every day ! But mostly, we need Abstract Patterns that already …


Introduction to Machine learning (1/3)

29. Juni 2021

Wrote by Wassim B., Cybersecurity Expert SQUAD Nowadays, network Functions Virtualization (NFV) [1] and Cloud-native Network Functions (CNFs) offer new ways of designing, scaling and operating networks, as customer-centric services can be elastically scaled and easily orchestrated, not only at …